Annual report 2016

Annual report 2016

We proudly present the Annual Report 2016.

The Annualt Report of the Rijnlands Lyceum Foundation for 2016 gives you detailed information about the goals set for 2016 and their realisation. This is not only shown at the foundation level, but also at the level of the individual schools. The Foundation reports on the results achieved in education, personnel, finance, accommodation and ICT. The principals and directors of our schools explain in a uniform manner the results achieved by the schools and any significant developments in the schools. In the appendices you will also find the facts and figures for 2016, including the abbreviated Annual Accounts.

From January 2016 we have worked on the basis of the principles of the new Strategic Plan 2016-2020 From Good to Great. We hope that this Annual Report will give you an idea of ​​how we shape and fulfill our ambitions that are also linked to national objectives set in sectoral agreements, but also local plans contained in local educational agendas of the municipalities in which our schools are located.

If you have any comments, please contact us at

Click here for the link of the Annual report.