Participation is a prerequisite for good governance
Participation by parents, students and staff is a prerequisite for good governance. Participation is therefore rooted in the principles of Stichting Het Rijnlands Lyceum.
Involvement by parents and students can take place in numerous ways. At each school, parents are usually united in a parent council and students in a student council. These councils are informal, but they are an important platform between the school management and the parents and students. Apart from parent and student councils, there are formal participation councils at each school and two joint participation councils at the level of the Stichting. The rights and obligations of the participation councils and the competent authority are laid down by law (Education Participation Act; Wet Medezeggenschap Scholen) and have been laid down in a number of documents for Stichting Het Rijnlands Lyceum. These are translations only. No rights can be derived from them.